February 8th, Great River Vineyard in Lake City,
"Learn to Grow Grapes" seminar by John Marshall, MGGA secretary.
For more details, please check his website at www.greatrivervineyard.com
under the "101 Seminar" link or grapes@reconnect.com
or 877.345.3551
March 8, IBU
OPEN, sponsored by Iowa Brewers Union, (entries due by March 2)
March 15, University of Minnesota's Landscape Arboretum,
Minnesota Grape Growers Association's (MGGA), grape cultivation (frontenac
and st. croix), For more information, please contact the MGGA president,
Tom Martell, at tmartell@somtel.net,
or 715.247.3386
sponsored by the Minnesota
Craft Brewer's Guild and the Minneapolis Downtown Council,
hope to have breweries participate from Minnesota,
South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois